sfpv is a clang based static analysis tool to verify that functions have some listed property through the use of annotations and a basic deduction system. The primary goal of this program is to show realtime safety bugs in audio software, though it should eventually grow to be much more general than this.
Program Options
- -v
Verbose mode; This option provides a large amount of diagnostic information.
- -V
Prints the version of the program and exits
- -h
Prints the help text and exits
- -W File
Accepts a whitelist file of functions that should be assumed safe by sfpv. The whitelist file consists of a series of function names delimited by any whitespace. Note that only one whitelist file may be provided for each invocation.
- -C Options
Accepts clang options directly in the form of a string containing clang arguments delimited by spaces. Note that only one Option string can be provided per each invocation.
How to Use sfpv on Real Code
Ideally sfpv can be applied to existing codebases to find bugs and verify the safety of a program. The simplest way to do this is to find the realtime entry points of your program (eg. the jack process callback). After these have been found, annotate each one with the realtime annotation
Once the annotations are in place, run sfpv on all .c/.cpp/.C/.cxx files in the source tree, passing in the whitelist file, and command line arguments as needed. This will provide a series of warnings about functions called from a realtime context, but without definitions. Some of these will be functions that are missing from the whitelist and they should be added to remove their warning messages. If the codebases has realtime issues, then it should show calls to realtime unsafe functions such as malloc, pthread_mutex_lock, or other possibly blocking functions. At the time of writing a blacklist does not exist, but seeing these functions in a realtime context indicates that there are possible realtime safety issues, which can now be worked on, now that they are identified.
In order to perform the analysis a fairly simple process is currently utilized.
Translation Units are one by one into a GraphBuilder, which gathers information on which function exist and which functions call other functions. This information is stored in a collection of function entries and function calls. In this stage, it was assumed that the fully qualified name would be sufficient to distinguish between functions, which is the case in C, but it can result in issues in C++.
Once the full collection of functions and relations has been gathered by the system, the whitelist can be applied. For each element in the whitelist, the function is marked as safe, which avoids warnings about uncertain functions without definitions. It is also possible to use whitelists on functions that are defined, which would eliminate the need to internally annotate the code. It is uncertain if this is a feature or bug at the current moment.
Deductions are then made on this collection of data. The deduction system deduces a function as safe if it is called by safe function and it is not currently marked as safe or unsafe. In effect, this is not too dissimilar from a breadth first search for contradictions.
Contradictions are found by checking if a function is either unsafe and deduced safe or undefined with unknown safety and deduced safe. The first case results in an error, while the second case is only a warning.
Currently sfpv is far from complete and as such, it has a number of missing features. While the order that these features should be added is uncertain, some of the known missing features are:
Proper handling of virtual functions/subclasses in deduction stages
Basic support for function pointers
Testing current template support
Handling C++ headers with .h extension
Better base whitelist file
Allowing multiple whitelist files
Better command line argument handling (eg --help or long arguments in general)
Integration with clang’s scan-build tool